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Organization Management: Watermark

Step 1: Access

Step 2: Choose an organization


Step 3: Select Watermark icon on the toolbar.


Step 4: You can now start adding and managing watermarks for your organization.


1. Add Watermark

Step 1: Click [Add Watermark]

Click the [Add Watermark] button on the toolbar to add a watermark.


Step 2: Add watermark details & images

  • Name: Enter the watermark name
  • Watermark Image: Upload the watermark image


Step 3: Save Watermark

Click the [Create] button to save the created watermark information.

2. Watermark List

The screen displays a list of watermarks that you have created for the organization.

Watermark List and Details


Display the list and detailed information of watermarks, including: Name, Image, and Actions.

Watermark Actions

Perform tasks related to a specific watermark, including: Edit, Delete.

3. Edit Watermark

Step 1: Choose Watermark

Step 1: Click the Edit icon in the Actions section to edit the watermark.

Step 2: Edit Watermark

Edit the information you want to change for the watermark.


Step 3: Save

Update the information and click [Save] to save and update the watermark details.

4. Delete Watermark

Click the delete icon in the "Actions" section to delete the watermark.

5. Use Watermark for Video

To use Watermark to protect the copyright of your organization's videos, please follow the instructions below:

Step 1: Choose a Course

Choose a course of your organization.


Step 2: Choose a Topic

Access [Lesson] on the toolbar and select a topic to begin adding videos.


Click on Cloud Flare Video to start adding a video.


Step 3: Upload Video & Add Watermark

Select the video you want to upload.


The system will automatically open the Watermark popup. Select the watermark you want to add to the video and click [Upload] to apply it to the video.


The result is that you will have a video with the organization's watermark as shown below:
